2013-2014, ЛК Варна е "Клуб на годината" в Дистрикт 130 България

Лайънс Клуб Варна е основан през 1999 година, когато Лайънс движението в България беше в началото си. Заедно с другите приятелски клубове ние работим усилено в публичното пространство за разясняване ролята на безкористната благотворителност. В следствие своята дейност и реални резултати, Лайънс Клуб Варна придоби своето признание и уважение в обществото.

Клуб номер: 061941

  listen Lions March


The lift building project completed successfully

On 15-th of September 2006, with the start of the study year in the School for blind children in Asparuhovo, Varna (Bulgaria), the new-build lift in the school get into function with a big opening ceremony.

Most of the children in the School have not only ophthalmigacal but also locomotory system problems and could not access the cabinets on higher floors. Building a lift in the School was a job of first priority.

With the help of our Lions friends from Germany LC Kirn-Mittlere Nahe we managed to gather the finance needed and to build the lift. We would also like to thank the Multilift Company which has the lift installed and donated the first lift computer speaking system in Bulgaria.

In brief:

Project started : 31.01.2005
Applied but not approved in 2005 by LCIF and left for future review.

Financed by own sources as main contribution made by LC Kirn-Mittlere Nahe - 24600 lv. and LC Varna - 15000 lv. in August 2006

Project completed successfully on 15 September 2006


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