2013-2014, ЛК Варна е "Клуб на годината" в Дистрикт 130 България

Лайънс Клуб Варна е основан през 1999 година, когато Лайънс движението в България беше в началото си. Заедно с другите приятелски клубове ние работим усилено в публичното пространство за разясняване ролята на безкористната благотворителност. В следствие своята дейност и реални резултати, Лайънс Клуб Варна придоби своето признание и уважение в обществото.

Клуб номер: 061941

  listen Lions March


Lions Club International

We make a difference.

September, 2010

Dear Club President:

Congratulations on your outstanding achievements during the 2009-2010 President's Retention Campaign. You are to be commended for making retention a priority in your club.

As you know, retention activities are vital to a club's success. Without an active retention program, a club risks losing its members, thereby impacting its ability to serve those inj need. Your efforts to keep members active, engaged and content have helped strengthen your club, and the association as a whole.

Again, congratulations to you and your entire membership. Your accomplishments illustrate the "Move to Grow"spirit.

Yours truly,

Eberhard J. Wirfs
Immediate Past International President

Lions Club International

We make a difference.

September, 2010

Dear Club President:

Congratulations! Your club has met the membership recruiting goals of the Year-Round Growth program for Lions year 2001-2010. Please accept the enclosed banner patch in appreciation of your efforts. Membership recruitment is a team effort, and your club has demonstrated its ability to work together to achieve an important goal.

By recruiting new members into your club, you are strengthening your ability to help those in need. It is clubs like yours that exemplify the “Move to grow” spirit that guides our live as Lions.

Again, congratulations on your achievement. May you successful continue your service to others.

Yours truly,

Eberhard J. Wirfs
Immediate Past International President


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